Rewrite your Story

Sherisse Cohen

We are not defined by our circumstances or our past but are active participants in the story of our lives….

To create a future that is filled with more of what lifts you up and less of what weighs you down, it will pay to notice and challenge your thinking by asking these simple questions again and again and again.

 Power Questions to ask yourself everyday!

 What went well today?

We tend to think alot about what goes wrong and not enough about what is right in our lives. Sometimes this makes sense as we can learn by our mistakes or mishaps. However, we generally think more about what is bad in life than is helpful.
Every night for the next week, set aside 10 minutes before sleep to write down 3 things that went well today and why they went well. They don’t need to be of earth shattering importance. Its simply about taking time to notice and reflect on the good.

What have I celebrated today?

Celebrate the wins. They don’t have to be massive. It could be as simple as being more patient with your son or daughter or taking the stairs instead of the lift. Look for the magic in the mundane and revel in it!

Have I been my authentic self today?

Stand in your own power. Its ok to be different and to march to the beat of your own drum. There is nothing more attractive than someone who is positive, self confident and ok with who they are.
Today try notice when you compare yourself to others. How does this affect your self confidence and how does it make you feel? Is that working for you?

Have I stopped to notice my positive feelings today?

Most of us are very good at noticing uncomfortable or difficult feelings. This is normal as we are wired to notice them for survival. We tend to dismiss or take for granted positive feelings. Try bringing your attention to positive feelings by simply noticing and naming them to yourself. For example,” joy”. Observe the feeling and try notice where it is in your body for 10 seconds. This has been shown to has a profound impact on one’s brain and wellbeing. Challenge yourself to do this today!


Change for the Better


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