Make your emotions work for you

Build emotional resilience

Do you feel you are too emotional or find it difficult to manage your anger or tend to ‘overreact’ to situations. The good news is you can learn new skills to help manage your emotions and develop emotional resilience . At Mindfulthinking we use Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) to help you cope with difficult emotions in the moment and to develop emotion regulation strategies so that you can learn to cope ahead.

Manage difficult emotions

Negative emotions are not bad, or something that must be avoided. They are a normal part of life, but there are ways to acknowledge and then let go of these feelings so that one is not controlled by them. Sometimes we try and escape these feelings through escapist behaviours such as binge eating or gaming. DBT offers new ways to respond to difficult emotions and manage destructive behaviours that theses feelings can lead too.

Increase positive emotion

We usually consider life to be going well when we have more positive experiences than negative experiences. Like a bank account, we need to put in more than we take out to be stable. When we have a high amount of positive experiences and then have a setback, we’re more likely to bounce back quickly. Learn how to increase positive emotion and experience in your life so that you can achieve more emotional balance.


Make it happen.

It all begins with a wish. Maybe you want to feel less frustrated. Maybe you want to be a calmer parent or maybe you find your emotions are interfering with your relationship. Whatever it is, finding the right therapist and the right type of therapy all the difference.