Make your relationships better.

Build and strengthen your relationships

Are you able to respond effectively in situations that involve conflict or cause you anxiety or frustration?. Maybe you are quick to anger or find it difficult to get your needs met in relationships. Relationships can be a source of joy but can be stressful and challenging too.. It sure takes allot of skill to do relationships well. At Mindfulthinking we use Dialectical Behaviour Therapy to help you improve your relationships by learning skills to communicate effectively, problem solve and manage your emotions


Master you emotions.

Many people have simply not been taught the interpersonal skills they need to be effective in relationships. During sessions you will learn skills to build and repair relationships and prevent ruptures. You will also figure out when your emotions are getting in the way and will learn ways to master your emotions in the moment.


Have better relationships at work and at home.

Learn Interpersonal effectiveness skills which can be applied at home and at work. Develop your emotional intelligence and experience greater connection and satisfaction in relationships.