Mindfulness at Work

Here are some tips on daily opportunities for mindful awareness that can easily slot into your work day without sitting cross legged on the office floor!

Top Tips

Mindfulness practice does not require much time.
Mindfulness is a skill which requires practice, practice, practice.
Try commit to one practice per day.
Set an intention at the beginning of the day.
Set reminders on your phone.

Where to practice

As you travel to work in the train, bus, car.
As you walk from the station to the office.
As you enter your office and walk to your desk.
As you wait for the kettle to boil or fill your glass with water.
As you walk to the bathroom.
As you eat your lunch.
As you sit and work at your computer.
On your journey home.


Daily Practices

Mindful Breathing
When: Throughout the work day return to your breathing by simply becoming aware you are breathing and not changing it in any way.
Tip: It’s a good idea to punctuate activities with this awareness. In other words, after you complete a piece of work, stop and notice your breath.
It may help to focus on the in- breath and the out -breath by saying
Breathing in… “I am aware of my in- breath”
Breathing out… “I am aware of my out-breath”
Breathing in… “I am aware of my body”
Breathing out…” I release all tension” (Thich Nat Hanh)


Drink a cup of tea or coffee mindfully
When you need a break or need to refocus or recharge.

Bring your attention to the aroma, taste, warmth, sensation of swallowing etc of the drink
Notice when distracted from the experience and simply (and non judgmentally) escort the attention back- again & again.


Notice 5 things
Use your 5 senses to ground you when you are unfocused or stressed or before a presentation or meeting.

Notice 5 things you can see (name them to yourself),
Notice 4 things you can see (name them to yourself)
Notice 3 things you can see (name them to yourself),
Notice 2 things you can see (name them to yourself),
Notice 1 thing you can see (name it to yourself)

(continue and apply to other senses- smell, touch etc.)

 Mindfulness while walking or exercising
Ideal when walking or having a workout. Helps refocus attention, stop ruminations and gain maximum benefit from exercise.

Whilst walking, focus on what you observe as you go, using your senses. Name to yourself what you observe. If your attention wanders, name the thought (eg “I notice that I had a thought about the proposal”) and bring your attention back to your immediate surroundings.



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